Amber Strange

2nd Grade Teacher

423-623-3811 ext. 302

Courses Taught:

Second Grade General Education



Welcome to my page!

This is my 20th year teaching at Newport Grammar School. I attended Newport Grammar as a child and I'm so proud to be a teacher here! My husband's name is Mark.  I have four children, Kylie, Carson, Brookelyn, and a baby boy, Decleon Krew, born in June 2023.  I also have three step-children, Elizabeth, Alex, and Keelie.    


B.S. Psychology/K-8 education from University of Tennessee

Master's degree - Elementary Education University of Tennessee 



-Weekly News: Feb. 18-22nd



We will be reading “Looking at Lincoln”.  We will  be learning about singulars, plurals,  verbs, synonyms, abbreviations, capitalizations, and the “ei/ea” sound in words





battle, memorial, liberty, plight, malice, democracy




time, money, addition and subtraction with regrouping, timed test -6



 Spelling words-



vein, eight, weight, sleigh, reindeer, rein, freight, neighbor, weigh, eighth, steak, break, great, breaking, greater, Bonus; president


Stories of the week:


“Looking at Lincoln” and “Carl the Complainer”



All tests will be on Friday unless otherwise stated.  You can find the stories of the week on YouTube if you wish to review them at home.  Students will have a math timed test(2 minutes), spelling test, AR test,  vocabulary test, and comprehension test over the Reading story.





Stories of the Week:


“Looking at Lincoln” and “Carl the Complainer”



 Social Studies/Science:





If you wish to review the stories at home, they can be found on YouTube.  Please check out our google classroom. 

Technology: Students are working on Prodigy, Epic Books, and IXL. 


Please check your child's ASPEN account for any posted grades given in the classroom.  Log in information was sent home at the beginning of the year. 

Welcome to Mrs. Strange's 2nd grade class!

Here you will find important information regarding each week's lessons and assignments.  









Weekly Homework

MondayMath and ELA page 

Tuesday- Math sheet

Wednesday-3 Spelling sentences and words

Thursday- ELA page

Friday- NO Homework 

All tests will be on Friday



*minute read comprehension page due on Friday for a grade!

Important Upcoming Events



March 7-Field trip money and permission slip due

March 20- Wonderworks field trip

March 21- 1pm Dismissal

March 24-28- Spring Break

April 18-No School









Homework Hotline 615-298-6636

Supply List:

Backpack (Rolling backpacks are against school policy.)

Ear buds or a pair of headphones- Please put them in a ziplock bag with name

1 Bottle of hand sanitizer

3 Boxes of Tissue

clear water Bottle with name on it

1 Container of Clorox/Lysol  wipes

1 Lysol spray

1 pack of Colored Copy


3 rolls of paper towels

$20 Activity Fee




Wish List Items:


popice freezer pops

paper towels


treasure box items

bag of individual wrapped candy


1 First Aid Kit

Small cups for water

white cardstock


Summer Reading

Second Grade Summer Reading Program:

All students must read 10 picture books or 3 chapter books this summer and keep a reading log. Reading log must be in the student's handwriting.

Choose to do one of the following: 

  1. Attend 2 summer library activities (Stokely Memorial Library or other library programs). Write down the activities and the dates attended.


  1. Choose 3 books and write a paragraph of the book summary and draw a picture.

  2. Give the list of activities and reading log to your second grade teacher. Students who complete the summer reading program will receive two 100’s in language arts.

*Due on the first full day of class*