Third Grade Promotin Law Resources

TN State Logo

Tennessee Legislation requires third-grade students to demonstrate proficiency on the TCAP in English Language Arts. Please view the sections below for more information regarding these requirements and our plans to provide NGS third-grade students with support in their progress toward proficiency throughout the school year.

Our Plans

Click on the link to view a presentation about our district's plans to meet the requirements of the Learning Loss Remediation and Student Acceleration Act.

TN Dept. of Education Resources

The state of Tennessee has had a student promotion and retention law in place since 2011. During the 2021 Special Session, the Tennessee legislature updated that law to ensure that all students have the support to read and perform on grade level no later than the 2022-23 school year. 

To support districts, schools, and families, the department has developed several resources.

Click on the links to explore this information.

Please use the contact list below if you still have questions.