D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education)

Newport Grammar School D.A.R.E. Program
"Keepin' it REAL"
Sgt. Cassady

Sgt Brandon Cassady

Newport Grammar School
423-623-3811 x800

Newport Police Dept.
Phone: 423-623-5556 x530

5th and 6th Grade D.A.R.E. Lessons and Objectives

Lesson 1: Introduction to DARE's keepin it REAL

  • Define what it means to be responsible
  • Identify student responsibilities in their daily lives
  • Name the steps in the D.A.R.E. Decision Making Model (DDMM)

Lesson 2: Drug Information for Responsible Decision Making

  • Identify how alcohol and tobacco use affects student responsibilities
  • Examine Information on Alcohol and Tobacco
  • Understand the health effects of alcohol and tobacco on the body
  • Use the DDMM to define problem in scenarios related to alcohol or tobacco

Lesson 3: Risk and Consequences

  • Define risks and consequences and apply to real life situations
  • Assess the positive and negative consequences in the choices made about risky situations
  • USE the DDMM to assess how to make responsible decisions involving risky situations

Lesson 4: Peer Pressure

  • Define pressure and peer pressure
  • Recognize the sources of peer pressure
  • Identify ways to respond to peer pressure
  • Use the DDMM to generate responses to peer pressure

Lesson 5: Dealing with Stressful Situations

  • Identify possible signs of stress
  • Recognize the physical and behavioral signs of stress
  • Use the DDMM in evaluating stressful situations

Lesson 6: Basics of Communication

  • Define and explain the importance of communication in daily living
  • Demonstrate confident communication
  • Use the DDMM to evaluate and generate alternative options for effective communication

Lesson 7: Nonverbal Communication and Listening

  • Define effective listening behaviors
  • Demonstrate effective listening using verbal and nonverbal behaviors
  • Use the DDMM to evaluate and generate alternative options for effective communication

Lesson 8: Bullying

  • Define and recognize characteristics of bullying
  • Identify bullying behaviors
  • Differentiate between tattling and telling
  • Use the DDMM to practice safe ways to report bullying

Lesson 9: Helping Others

  • Identify the importance of being a good citizen
  • Recognize the importance of reporting bullying to an adult at school and at home
  • Demonstrate the use of the DDMM in reporting bullying behaviors
  • Reinforce knowledge and positive behaviors to stop bullying

Lesson 10: Getting Help from Others and Review

  • Identify people in student's lives they can go to if they need help
  • Recall previously learned key terms