Christen Woodson

4th grade ELA teacher


Courses Taught:

English/Language Arts 4

Christen Woodson


BAED Tusculum College, Class of 2012

7th grade Science Teacher 2013-2017

4th grade ELA Teacher 2017-present

Fourth Grade Information


This Week in Language Arts:

  • We will compare and contrast firsthand and secondhand accounts.
  • We are writing informational/expository essays.
  • We are learning correct usage of dialogue.



Spelling Week 19

  1. situation  

  2. library 

  3. relocate 

  4. impossible 

  5. reusable 

  6. suggested 

  7. determined 

  8. although 




Suffix List 1

Able, ible–can be done


Al,ial– pertaining to/of

Ary–relating to quality or place

Ate– become

Dom– place/state of being

Ed– past tense

Er, or– one who


Er– comparative




**All students MUST read at least ONE AR book and PASS the test on at least ONE book each nine weeks. Third nine weeks AR due on March 13th**





Fourth Grade Supply List

  • Fifteen dollar supply fee (this will cover necessary items the students will need throughout the year) Please make checks payable to Newport Grammar
  • 1.5" or 2" three ring binder
  • two packs of pencils for your homeroom
  • several packs of pencils for yourself
  • cheap earbuds
  • 10 glue sticks
  • one box of tissues
  • three containers of cleaning wipes (such as Clorox Wipes)
  • one pack of paper towels
  • one pack of plastic storage bags (such as Ziplock) Boys- will need to bring gallon size bags                    Girls- will need to bring quart size bags
  • one box of Band-Aids
  • disinfectant spray (such as Lysol)
  • one bottle of waterless hand sanitizer (such as Germ-X)


Supplies needed by subject

Language Arts: 1 Composition Notebook (100 sheets)


Science: 1 Composition Notebook (100 sheets)


Social Studies: 1 Composition Notebook (100 sheets)


Dress code for grades 4-8

  • Shirts and blouses must fit appropriately (not excessively oversized.) Extremely low or revealing necklines will not be permitted, and midriffs, belly buttons, and lower backs must be covered.
  • Clothing shall not be made of see through or mesh materials.
  • Shorts and skirts will be worn no more than three inches above the knees and must fit appropriately.
  • If leggings are worn, tops/skirts must be no shorter than the end of finger tips when arms are held straight.
  • Jeggings (stretched jeans with pockets) may be worn with tops that do not exhibit midriffs, belly buttons, lower backs, or revealing necklines.
  • No cut off jean shorts are allowed.
  • No holes (revealing skin or undergarments) will be allowed in pants or shorts three inches above the knee. If holes exist above the knees, tights or bike shorts must be worn underneath--no visible skin.
  • no pajamas except on designated days

The consequences for violation of the dress code will be listed on the school behavior rubric






homework hotline 615-298-6636