Donna McConnell

5th Grade Social Studies Teacher

423-623-3811 ext 231

Courses Taught:

Social Studies Teacher

Donna McConnell


I received my Masters Degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Carson Newman University.  I have an undergraduate degree in accounting from Carson Newman University also.

Supply List



The items listed below are items you will need to purchase:

  • Corded or cordless computer mouse for personal use with Chromebook

  •  1- 2pocket plastic folder (Science)

  •  1 Spiral bound notebook with minimum of 100 pages (Math)

  • 3 composition books (2-SS, ELA)

    There is NO need to purchase the following items because they will be provided by the school:

* zipper pouch

   * pair of scissors 

  * Crayons                                  

*  No. 2 Pencils 

 *  highlighter  

 * earbuds to be kept at school at all  times 

* Colored Pencils

The items below are wishlist items for community use in classrooms. The purchase of these items is optional and greatly appreciated.

*  Small bag of cough drops  

* Kleenex

 * Band-aids 

 * Hand Sanitizer  

  * Clorox/Lysol wipes 

  * Disinfectant spray

 *  Pack of multicolored copy paper

 * Kleenex

 * cap erasers


Upcoming Events


February 14-Student Dismissal at 1:00pm

February 17-No School President's Day

March 14-Student Dismissal at 1:00pm

March 21-Student Dismissal at 1:00pm

March 24-28-Spring Break (No School)

April 18-Good Friday (No School)

Homeroom Students 2024/2025







SS Skills

Unit 3 World War II (1930's-1940's)

Ch. 10 World War II

Ch. 11 Impacts of War on the Homefront

Unit 4 Post-World War II and the Civil Rights Movement (1940's-1960's)

Ch. 12 U.S. Society Changes after WWII

Ch. 13 The Cold War

Ch. 14  The Civil Rights Movement and Presidency of John F. Kennedy


Homework Hotline 615-298-6626
