Julie Souder
4th Grade Math Teacher
What's Happening in Fourth Grade Math?
Homework Week of May 20 - May 24:
Monday -
Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday -
Math Objectives for this week of school:
Practice with money: purchasing items, counting money, making change.
Practice buying items and making change.
Bachelor Degree: Maryville College
Master's Degree in Administration & Supervision:
Lincoln Memorial University
Intermediate Multiage, Alcoa Elementary, 1992-1997
8th Grade Science, NGS, 1997-2000
4th Grade Math: 2000-present
4th Grade Dress Code:
Grades 3-8: Shirts and blouses must have sleeves and should fit appropriately (not excessively oversized). Extremely low or revealing necklines will not be permitted, and midriffs, belly buttons, and lower backs must be covered. Clothing shall not be made of see through or mesh materials. Students must wear proper undergarments that are not visible.
Shorts/skirts will be worn at or below the knees and must fit appropriately, if leggings are worn, tops/skirts must be worn at finger tip length. No cut-off jean shorts are allowed. No holes (revealing skin or undergarments) will be allowed in pants or shorts above the knee. If holes exist, tights must be worn underneath-no visible skin.
The consequences for violation of the dress codes will be the same as the consequences for violation of other general school rules.
Upcoming Dates to Remember:
May 21 - 4th Grade Honor's Program @9:45
May 24 - Last Day of School, End of Grading Period, Students dismissed at 10:00 AM
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