Katie Robertson
First Grade Teacher
Courses Taught:
First Grade General Education

I am one of the first grade teachers here at Newport Grammar School. I went to NGS K-8 and Cocke County High School 9-12. I graduated from Carson-Newman University with my Bachelors in Education (K-6) and Cumberland University with my Masters of Arts in Education. I have been teaching for 13 years. This is my sixth year teaching at Newport Grammar School. My husband's name is Chris and we have two sons, Shane (age 8) and Theo (age 6),
Starting 1st Grade- What You Need to Know
Click here for an overview of what's taught in 1st Grade.
Specials Schedule
Here's what we're learning right now...

These are the TN standards we are currently covering in our curriculum:
3rd Quarter iReady Math Skills:
iReady Unit 3: Tens and Ones
3/3/25 Lesson 23: Tell Time AND Money; Unit 3 Assessment
1.MD.8.3 Recognize a clock as a measurement tool. Tell and write time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital clocks.
1.MD.B.3 Tell and write time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital
1.MD.B.4 Count the value of a set of like coins less than one dollar using the ¢
symbol only.
iReady Unit 3: Operations with Tens and Ones (Addition and Subtraction)
3/10/25 Lesson 25 Add & Subtract Tens
1.NBT.C.5 Add a two-digit number to a one-digit number and a two-digit number to a multiple of ten (within 100). Use concrete models, drawings, strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction to explain the reasoning used.
1.NBT.C.7 Subtract multiples of 10 from any number in the range of 10-99 using concrete models, drawings, strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction.
4th Quarter iReady Math Skills:
iReady Unit 4: Operations with Tens and Ones
3/17/25 Lesson 26 Understand 10 More and 10 Less
1.NBT.C.6 Mentally find 10 more or 10 less than a given two-digit number without having to count by ones and explain the reasoning used.
3/31/25 Lesson 27 Add Tens to Any Number
1.NBT.C.5 Add a two-digit number to a one-digit number and a two-digit number to a multiple of ten (within 100). Use concrete models, drawings, strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction to explain the reasoning used.
4/7/25 Lesson 28:Add Two-Digit and One-Digit Numbers
1.NBT.C.5 Add a two-digit number to a one-digit number and a two-digit number to a multiple of ten (within 100). Use concrete models, drawings, strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction to explain the reasoning used.
4/14/25 Lesson 29: Add Two-Digit Numbers
1.NBT.C.5 Add a two-digit number to a one-digit number and a two-digit number to a multiple of ten (within 100). Use concrete models, drawings, strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction to explain the reasoning used.
iReady Unit 5: Length
4/21/25 Lesson 30: Order Objects by Length & Lesson 31: Compare Lengths
1.MD.A.1 Order three objects by length. Compare the lengths of two objects indirectly by using a third object. For example, to compare indirectly the heights of Bill and Susan: if Bill is taller than mother and mother is taller than Susan, then Bill is taller than Susan.
4/28/25 Lesson 32: Understand Length Measurement and Unit 5 Assessment
1.MD.A.2 Measure the length of an object using non-standard units (paper clips, cubes, etc.) and express this length as a whole number of units.
iReady Unit 6: Geometry
5/5/25 Lesson 33: Shapes AND Lesson 34: Putting Shapes Together
1.G.A.3 Distinguish between attributes that define a shape (e.g. number of sides and vertices) versus attributes that do not define the shape (e.g., color, orientation, overall size); build and draw two-dimensional shapes to possess defining attributes.
1.G.A.2 Create a composite figure and use the composite figure to make new figures by using two-dimensional shapes (rectangles, squares, hexagons, trapezoids, triangles, half-circles, and quarter-circles) or three-dimensional solids (cubes, spheres, rectangular prisms, cones, and cylinders).
5/12/25 Lesson 35: Understand Breaking Shapes Into Equal Parts and Unit 6 Assessment
1.G.A. 3 Partition circles and rectangles into two and four equal shares, describe the shares using the words halves, fourths, and quarters, and use the phrases half of, fourth of, and quarter of. Describe the whole as two of, or four of, the shares. Understand for these examples that partitioning into more equal shares creates smaller shares.
WRITING FOCUS: Persuasive/Opinion Pieces
SS/Science Unit: Life Science & Earth Science Unit
3/3/25 → Week 1 Story: A Lost Button
How do people work with animals? How do adverbs change the meaning of a verb? How do I correctly use commas in my writing? What are compound words? How can visualizing help me become a better reader? How do I identify Main Idea & Supporting details? Spelling Patterns: Long e with y and ey
Science Standards
1.LS1.1 Recognize the structure of plants (roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits) and describe the function of the parts (taking in water and air, producing food, making new plants).
1.LS1.2 Illustrate and summarize the life cycle of plants.
3/10/25 → Week 3 Story: Thomas Edison, Inventor
What inventions do you know about? What is a biography? What are adjectives that compare (ex. fast/faster) and how can I use them to improve my writing? What is alliteration? What are abbreviations? How do I identify the problems/solutions in a text? Spelling Pattern: or, oar, & ore words
1.22 Arrange the events from a student’s life in chronological order.
1.23 Use correct words and phrases related to chronology and time, including: past, present, and future. 1.24 Interpret information from simple timelines.
1.25 Compare ways people lived in the past to how they live today, including: forms of communication, modes of transportation, and types of clothing.
SSP.04 Communicate ideas supported by evidence to illustrate cause and effect.
SSP.05 Develop historical awareness by sequencing past, present, and future in chronological order; and understanding that things change over time.
1.04 Give examples of products (goods) that people buy and use. 1.05 Give examples of services (producers) that people provide.
1.06 Recognize major products and industries found in Tennessee (e.g., agriculture, manufacturing, mining, music, and tourism).
1.07 Distinguish how people are consumers and producers of goods and services.
1.09 Assess factors that could influence a person to use or save money.
1.15 Identify the Governor and President and explain their roles.
1.17 Distinguish the differences between rules and laws and give examples of each.
1.18 Define citizenship, and recognize traits of good citizens, such as respecting the rights of others, voting, following laws, etc.
1.19 Explain that voting is a way of making choices and decisions.
3/17/25 → Week 4 Story: Whistle for Willie
What sounds can you hear? How are they made? How do I identify the problems/solutions in a text? What are some examples of adjectives that compare and how can I use them in my writing? How do I use “a” and “an” correctly when I am writing? What are suffixes (ex. -er, -ful, -less)? Spelling Pattern: ou & ow words
3/31/25 Week 5 Story: Building Bridges
EQs: How do things get built? How do I identify cause and effect? How do I find the main ideas and key details in a text? What are prepositions? What are final stable syllables and how do I identify them in words? Spelling Pattern: oi & oy words
Wonders Unit 6 Essential Questions:
4/7/25 Week 1 Story: Click, Clack, Moo, Cows That Type
EQs: How can we work together to make our lives better? How do I identify the theme of a story? How do I identify the plot of a story? What are pronouns and how do I use them correctly in my writing? What are suffixes (-less and -ful) and how do they change the meaning of the root word? Spelling Pattern: /u/ words like in moon, flute, new, true, fruit, and group
4/14/25 Week 2 Story: Meet Rosina
Who helps you? How do I identify the author’s purpose? How do good readers go back and reread? When should I capitalize words? What are possessive pronouns? Spelling Pattern: au, aw words
4/21/25 Week 3 Story: Rain School
How can weather affect us? How can I find out the cause and effect in stories? How do I visualize what I’m reading? When and how should I use commas in my writing? What are indefinite pronouns? Spelling Patterns: gn, kn, and wr words
4/28/25 Week 4 Story: Lissy’s Friends
What traditions do you know about? How can I find out the theme or message the author wants to share? How do I visualize story events? When and how should I use commas in my writing? How do I use I and me? Spelling Patterns: spl, spr, scr, thr words
5/5/25 Week 5 Story: Happy Birthday, U.S.A.!
Why do we celebrate holidays? How do I identify the author’s purpose? How do I go back and reread parts of a text to help me understand it better? When and how do I use abbreviations? How do I use adverbs that tell how? Spelling Pattern: air, ear, are words
RLA Standards/Objectives
Click on the documents that are next for a detailed list of Wonders Unit 1-6 ELA standards.
Wonders Unit 1-6 RLA Standards
- Wonder Unit 1 Week 2 Standards.pdf
- Wonder Unit 1 Week 1 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 1 Week 3 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 1, Week 4 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 1, Week 5 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 2, Week 1 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 2, Week 2 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 2, Week 3 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 2, Week 4 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 2, Week 5 Standards.pdf
- Wonders, Unit 3 Week 1 Standards.pdf
- Wonders, Unit 3 Week 2 Standards.pdf
- Wonders, Unit 3 Week 3 Standards.pdf
- Wonders, Unit 3 Week 4 Standards.pdf
- Wonders, Unit 3 Week 5 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 4 Week 1 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 4 Week 2 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 4 Week 3 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 4 Week 4 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 4 Week 5 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 5 Week 1 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 5 Week 2 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 5 Week 3 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 5 Week 4 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 5 Week 5 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 6 Week 1 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 6 Week 2 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 6 Week 3 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 6 Week 4 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 6 Week 5 Standards.pdf

WONDERS Unit 1-6 Sight & Spelling Words
- Wonders, Unit 1 Week 1 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 1, Week 2 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 1 Week 3 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 1, Week 4 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 1 Week 5 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 2, Week 1 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 2 Week 2 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 2, Week 3 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 2, Week 4 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 2, Week 5 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 3 Week 1 Homework.pdf
- Wonder Unit 3 Week 2 Homework.pdf
- Wonder Unit 3 Week 3 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 3 Week 4 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 3 Week 5 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 4 Week 1 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 4 Week 2 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 4 Week 3 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 4 Week 4 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 4 Week 5 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 5 Week 1 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 5 Week 2 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 5 Week 3 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 5 Week 4 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 5 Week 5 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 6 Week 1 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 6 Week 2 Homework .pdf
- Wonders Unit 6 Week 3 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 6 Week 4 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 6 Week 5 Homework .pdf

New assignments come home every Monday night and are not be due back until Friday. I always assign the following to be practiced nightly:
-That week's reading passage & "Fast & Fluent" page
-Spelling words list
-Sight word flash cards
-Writing Journal- one response to the reading each week with a matching illustration
-Math Fast Facts flash cards
-Monthly Reading Comprehension Packets due at the end of each month (January-May)

Mrs. Robertson's Classroom Library

Please remember that the Newport Grammar School's homepage has TONS of digital resources for your everyday use.
Just scroll to the VERY top of this webpage, look to the far right, and click on the yellow rectangle that says "Digital Resources" for all sorts of FABULOUS links and icons. Or...you can simply click here:
"Useful Links" is also another great yellow rectangle you can click on at the top right side of this webpage.