Katie Robertson
First Grade Teacher
Courses Taught:
First Grade General Education
I am one of the first grade teachers here at Newport Grammar School. I went to NGS K-8 and Cocke County High School 9-12. I graduated from Carson-Newman University with my Bachelors in Education (K-6) and Cumberland University with my Masters of Arts in Education. I have been teaching for 13 years. This is my sixth year teaching at Newport Grammar School. My husband's name is Chris and we have two sons, Shane (age 8) and Theo (age 6),
Starting 1st Grade- What You Need to Know
Click here for an overview of what's taught in 1st Grade.
Specials Schedule
Here's what we're learning right now...
These are the TN standards we are currently covering in our curriculum:
3rd Quarter iReady Math Skills:
iReady Unit 2: Numbers within 20, Addition and Subtraction and Representing Data
1/13/25 Lesson 15: Make a Ten to Subtract
1.OA.C.5 Add and subtract with 20 using strategies such as counting on, counting back, making 10, related known facts, and composing/decomposing numbers with an emphasis on making ten (e.g., 13-4=13-3-1=10-1=9 or adding 6+7 by creating the known equivalent 6+4+3=10+3=13 OR 6+6+1=12+1).
1.OA.C.6 Use mental strategies flexibly and efficiently to develop fluency in addition and subtraction within 20. By the end of grade 1, know all sums and differences up to 10.
1/20/25 Lesson 16: Finding the Unknown Number
1.OA.CD.8 Determine the unknown whole number in an addition or subtraction equation with sums/differences within 20, with the unknown in any position (e.g., 8 +?=11, 5=?-3, 6+6=?).
1/27/25 Lesson 17: Word Problems to 20
1.OA.A.1 Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions, e.g. by using objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.
1.OA.B.3 Apply properties of operations as strategies to add and subtract.
1.OA.C.6 Add and subtract with 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within 10. Use strategies such as counting on, making ten; decomposing a number leading to a ten using the relationship between addition and subtraction; and creating equivalent but easier or known sums.
2/2/25 Lesson 18: Collect and Compare Data (Graphs)
1.MD.C.5 Organize, represent, and interpret data with up to three categories. Ask and answer questions about the total number of data points, how many in each category, and how many more or less are in one category than in another.
iReady Unit 3: Tens and Ones (Counting and Place Value)
2/10/25 Lesson 19: Understand Tens
1.NBT.B.3 Know that the digits of a two-digit number represent groups of tens and ones (e.g. 39 can be represented as 39 ones, 2 tens and 19 ones, or 3 tens and 9 ones).
2/10/25 Lesson 20: Counting to 120
1.NBT.A.1 Count to 120, by ones, twos, and fives starting at any number. Count backward from 20. Read and write numbers to 120 and represent a quantity of objects with a written number.
1.NBT.A.2 Recognize, describe, extend, and create patterns when counting by ones, twos, fives, and tens and use those patterns to predict the next number in the counting sequence up to 120 through counting or building with concrete materials. For example: 1, 3, 5, ...; 2, 4, 6,...; 5, 10, 15...; etc.
2/17/25 Lesson 21: Understand Tens and Ones
1.NBT.B.3 Know that the digits of a two-digit number represent groups of tens and ones (e.g. 39 can be represented as 39 ones, 2 tens and 19 ones, or 3 tens and 9 ones).
2/24/25 Lesson 22: Compare Numbers
1.NBT.B.4 Compare two two-digit numbers based on the meanings of the digits in each place and use the symbols >, <, and = to show the relationship.
iReady Unit 3: Tens and Ones
3/3/25 Lesson 23: Tell Time AND Money; Unit 3 Assessment
1.MD.8.3 Recognize a clock as a measurement tool. Tell and write time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital clocks.
1.MD.B.3 Tell and write time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital
1.MD.B.4 Count the value of a set of like coins less than one dollar using the ¢
symbol only.
iReady Unit 3: Operations with Tens and Ones (Addition and Subtraction)
3/10/25 Lesson 25 Add & Subtract Tens
1.NBT.C.5 Add a two-digit number to a one-digit number and a two-digit number to a multiple of ten (within 100). Use concrete models, drawings, strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction to explain the reasoning used.
1.NBT.C.7 Subtract multiples of 10 from any number in the range of 10-99 using concrete models, drawings, strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction.
WRITING FOCUS: Persuasive/Opinion Pieces
SS/Science Unit: Life Science & Earth Science Unit
Wonders Unit 4 Essential Questions:
1/13/25 → Week 1 Story: Little Rabbit
How do animals' bodies help them? How can sequence (first, next, then, last) help me to retell a story in my own words? How do I put words in ABC order? How do I correctly use was/were in a sentence? What are contractions and how can understanding them help me to be a better reader? What is a folktale? Spelling Pattern: ai, ay, and oo
1/20/25 → Week 2 Story: Animal Teams
How do animals work together? How can identifying the main idea and key details help me to understand a text? What are prefixes and how do they change the meaning of words? How do I correctly use have/has in sentences? Spelling pattern: e, ee, e_e, ea, and y
1/27/25 → Week 3 Story: Vulture View
How do animals survive in nature? How do I correctly use go and do AND went and did in sentences? How do I identify Main Idea & Supporting Details? What are common and proper nouns? What are open syllables? Spelling Pattern: Long o with o, oa, ow, oe, o_e
2/3/25 → Week 4 Story: Hi, Fly Guy!
What insects do you know about? When do I use see/saw in sentences? Why are Titles of Books important? What is point of view? Spelling Pattern: Long i with y, i, ie, igh, and ide
2/10/25 → Week 5 Story: Koko & Penny
How do people work with animals? How do adverbs change the meaning of a verb? How do I correctly use commas in my writing? What are compound words? How can visualizing help me become a better reader? How do I identify Main Idea & Supporting details? Spelling Patterns: Long e with y and ey
Wonders Unit 5 Essential Questions:
2/17/25 → SPACE WEEK → Week 2 Story: Kitten’s First Moon
What can you see in the sky? What are adjectives and how can I use them to improve my writing? What is the inflectional ending “-er” and how does it change a word (ex. teach → teacher)? How do I identify cause and effect? What is the difference between questions and statements? Spelling Pattern: “Bossy r”
Science Standards
1.ESS1.1: Use observations or models of the sun, moon, and stars to describe patterns that can be predicted.
1.ESS1.2: Observe natural objects in the sky that can be seen from Earth with the naked eye and recognize that a telescope, used as a tool, can provide greater detail of objects in the sky.
1.ESS1.3: Analyze data to predict patterns between sunrise and sunset, and the change of seasons.
2/24/25 → Week 1 Story: A Lost Button
How do people work with animals? How do adverbs change the meaning of a verb? How do I correctly use commas in my writing? What are compound words? How can visualizing help me become a better reader? How do I identify Main Idea & Supporting details? Spelling Patterns: Long e with y and ey
Science Standards
1.LS1.1 Recognize the structure of plants (roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits) and describe the function of the parts (taking in water and air, producing food, making new plants).
1.LS1.2 Illustrate and summarize the life cycle of plants.
3/3/25 → Week 3 Story: Thomas Edison, Inventor
What inventions do you know about? What is a biography? What are adjectives that compare (ex. fast/faster) and how can I use them to improve my writing? What is alliteration? What are abbreviations? How do I identify the problems/solutions in a text? Spelling Pattern: or, oar, & ore words
1.22 Arrange the events from a student’s life in chronological order.
1.23 Use correct words and phrases related to chronology and time, including: past, present, and future. 1.24 Interpret information from simple timelines.
1.25 Compare ways people lived in the past to how they live today, including: forms of communication, modes of transportation, and types of clothing.
SSP.04 Communicate ideas supported by evidence to illustrate cause and effect.
SSP.05 Develop historical awareness by sequencing past, present, and future in chronological order; and understanding that things change over time.
1.04 Give examples of products (goods) that people buy and use. 1.05 Give examples of services (producers) that people provide.
1.06 Recognize major products and industries found in Tennessee (e.g., agriculture, manufacturing, mining, music, and tourism).
1.07 Distinguish how people are consumers and producers of goods and services.
1.09 Assess factors that could influence a person to use or save money.
1.15 Identify the Governor and President and explain their roles.
1.17 Distinguish the differences between rules and laws and give examples of each.
1.18 Define citizenship, and recognize traits of good citizens, such as respecting the rights of others, voting, following laws, etc.
1.19 Explain that voting is a way of making choices and decisions.
3/10/25 → Week 4 Story: Whistle for Willie
What sounds can you hear? How are they made? How do I identify the problems/solutions in a text? What are some examples of adjectives that compare and how can I use them in my writing? How do I use “a” and “an” correctly when I am writing? What are suffixes (ex. -er, -ful, -less)? Spelling Pattern: ou & ow words
RLA Standards/Objectives
Click on the documents that are next for a detailed list of Wonders Unit 1-6 ELA standards.
Wonders Unit 1-6 RLA Standards
- Wonder Unit 1 Week 1 Standards.pdf
- Wonder Unit 1 Week 2 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 1 Week 3 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 1, Week 4 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 1, Week 5 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 2, Week 1 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 2, Week 2 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 2, Week 3 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 2, Week 4 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 2, Week 5 Standards.pdf
- Wonders, Unit 3 Week 1 Standards.pdf
- Wonders, Unit 3 Week 2 Standards.pdf
- Wonders, Unit 3 Week 3 Standards.pdf
- Wonders, Unit 3 Week 4 Standards.pdf
- Wonders, Unit 3 Week 5 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 4 Week 1 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 4 Week 2 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 4 Week 3 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 4 Week 4 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 4 Week 5 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 5 Week 1 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 5 Week 2 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 5 Week 3 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 5 Week 4 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 5 Week 5 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 6 Week 1 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 6 Week 2 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 6 Week 3 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 6 Week 4 Standards.pdf
- Wonders Unit 6 Week 5 Standards.pdf
WONDERS Unit 1-6 Sight & Spelling Words
- Wonders, Unit 1 Week 1 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 1, Week 2 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 1 Week 3 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 1, Week 4 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 1 Week 5 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 2, Week 1 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 2 Week 2 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 2, Week 3 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 2, Week 4 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 2, Week 5 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 3 Week 1 Homework.pdf
- Wonder Unit 3 Week 2 Homework.pdf
- Wonder Unit 3 Week 3 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 3 Week 4 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 3 Week 5 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 4 Week 1 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 4 Week 2 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 4 Week 3 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 4 Week 4 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 4 Week 5 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 5 Week 1 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 5 Week 2 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 5 Week 3 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 5 Week 4 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 5 Week 5 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 6 Week 1 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 6 Week 2 Homework .pdf
- Wonders Unit 6 Week 3 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 6 Week 4 Homework.pdf
- Wonders Unit 6 Week 5 Homework .pdf
New assignments come home every Monday night and are not be due back until Friday. I always assign the following to be practiced nightly:
-That week's reading passage & "Fast & Fluent" page
-Spelling words list
-Sight word flash cards
-Writing Journal- one response to the reading each week with a matching illustration
-Math Fast Facts flash cards
-Monthly Reading Comprehension Packets due at the end of each month (January-May)
Mrs. Robertson's Classroom Library
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"Useful Links" is also another great yellow rectangle you can click on at the top right side of this webpage.