Melanie Coffey
Technology & CTE Coordinator

Bachelor Degree: ETSU, Biological Sciences with a minor in Chemistry
Masters Degree: Tusculum University, Masters in the Arts of Teaching
Certification: 7-12 Biology
Welcome to Computer Science and Career Exploration!I have taught for 20 years and have enjoyed every minute of it. I have been married for 30 years to Ron, and have two grown boys. I also have one grandson, Carden, who rules my world! I am looking forward to this year of teaching my kids to problem solve and critically think while performing project based lessons and using our new CTE equipment.
Year Agenda
Computer science including cross curricular project-based instruction while learning to type, utilize google apps, introduction to programming and robotics.
The class is a two part learning opportunity. Two 9-weeks are career exploration using various CTE concepts. The remaining two 9-weeks are completing the state computer science curriculum, which is the pre-requisite for the high school curriculum.
3rd Grade
1st 9-weeks
We will spend a lot of the first grading period on typing skills. I will also begin a few activities learning the computer science vocabulary focusing on computational thinking; including, but not limited to algorithms, decomposition, iteration, selection.
We will also work on general computer skills such as logging into common sites, trouble shooting and proper computer behavior.
4th Grade
1st 9-weeks
Initial Typing Assessment-graded (can redo for a higher grade)
5th Grade
1st 9-weeks
Initial Typing Assessment-graded (can redo for a higher grade)
Welcome Back! I have missed my students! I hope that everyone had a great summer break! I am ready for a great year on our CTE and STEM hallway! Mr. Lewis and I have a lot of FUN stuff in store for NGS this school year!
Important Dates
August 5- Registration Day 8 - 10 a.m.
August 7- First Full Day
August 30- 1:00 Dismissal
September 2- No School
October 4- 1:00 Dismissal
October 7- 11- Fall Break
October 18- 1:00 Dismissal
Be sure to check Aspen for Updated grades! Please note if your student has a poor grade, EVERYTHING can be fixed if it was completed. Please contact me if you have any questions!
Homework Hotline, grades 1-8, (615) 298-6636
6th Grade
1st 9-weeks
Initial typing Assessment-graded (can redo for a higher grade)
Kira State Curriculum Unit 1-this is a prerequisite, for the now required, year long computer science graduation requirement for high school. The students will work independently through the unit completely assignments and assessments. Each section is for a grade. The 6th grade students are only required to complete unit one this school year, so they will only have one 9-weeks of Kira.
7th Grade
1st 9-weeks
Initial typing Assessment-graded (can redo for a higher grade)
Kira State Curriculum Unit 1-this is a prerequisite, for the now required, year long computer science graduation requirement for high school. The students will work independently through the unit completely assignments and assessments. Each section is for a grade. The 7th graders will need to complete two units in Kira this school year to be prepared for high school, so we will work on Kira a lot this school year.
8th Grade
1st 9-weeks
Initial typing Assessment-graded (can redo for a higher grade)
Kira State Curriculum Unit 1-this is a prerequisite, for the now required, year long computer science graduation requirement for high school. The students will work independently through the unit completely assignments and assessments. Each section is for a grade. The 8th grade students need to complete as much of the 3 units in Kira as possible to be prepared for their high school class. We will work on this for two 9-week grading periods.